Baby Shower: Preparation And Schedule Of Events

Baby Shower: Preparation And Schedule Of Events

A baby shower is an exciting time for the expecting mother, her family, and friends. It is an occasion to celebrate the arrival of a new life and to shower the mom-to-be with gifts and love. However, planning a baby shower can be overwhelming and stressful. In this article, we will guide you through the preparation and schedule of events for a successful baby shower.

Why Called Baby Showers?

The term “baby shower” comes from the idea of “showering” the expectant mother with gifts, love, and support as she prepares for the arrival of her baby. It is a way for friends and family to celebrate and show their excitement for the new addition to the family. The first recorded baby shower dates back to the late 1800s in the United States, and the tradition has since spread worldwide. Today, baby showers are a common and beloved part of pregnancy and are often held in honor of the mother-to-be.

Tips for Preparing a Fun Baby Shower

Celebration certainly requires a lot of preparation, starting from the concept, agenda, time, location, and others. Apart from that, there are still important things that must be considered when holding a baby shower, namely determining the event as a surprise or organized. Therefore, it is necessary to consider whether the expectant mother prefers surprises or is involved in the event preparation process. Let’s look at the following tips for preparing for a fun baby shower.


  1. Choose a date and time: The first step in planning a baby shower is to choose a date and time. It’s best to consult with the expecting mother to ensure that the date and time work well for her. Consider the mother’s due date, weekends, and availability of guests when picking a date.
  2. Create a guest list: The guest list is an essential part of planning a baby shower. The expecting mother should provide a list of people she would like to invite, including family members, close friends, and coworkers.
  3. Select a venue: Choosing the right venue is crucial to the success of a baby shower. It can be held in a restaurant, park, community center, or even at someone’s home. Consider the number of guests, the theme of the shower, and the budget when choosing a venue.
  4. Pick a theme: Selecting a theme will help you plan the decorations, invitations, and games. Popular themes include “cute as a button,” “little prince or princess,” or “baby animals.”

Schedule of Events

  1. Arrival and greeting: Guests should arrive and be greeted by the host or hostess. They should be shown where to place their gifts and be offered refreshments.
  2. Opening gifts: The expecting mother should be given time to open her gifts. This can be done as a group or individually. It’s important to keep track of who gave what so the mother can send thank-you notes later.
  3. Games and activities: Baby shower games and activities are a great way to keep guests entertained. Popular games include “guess the baby food,” “diaper changing race,” and “baby name game.”
  4. Food and refreshments: Food and refreshments should be served during the baby shower. Finger foods, cupcakes, and punch are popular choices.
  5. Saying goodbye: Guests should be thanked for coming and given a small favor to take home.

Planning a baby shower can be a lot of work, but it’s a special occasion that the expecting mother will cherish forever. By following these tips for preparation and scheduling of events, you can ensure a successful and memorable baby shower for everyone involved.

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